Reasons Joining Air Cadets Would Be BAD For You!

1. You hate getting together with friends to have fun.
2. You don't like doing new and adventurous stuff, like Gliding!
3. Challenging yourself, and succeeding....

All The Cool Stuff That You've Might Have Missed!

Regional Biathlon Competition

Events You Don't Want To Miss!

Mess Dinner 17 Dec 2009

#12 RCAC Support Club


Hello Parents!   This page has been created to give you a quick reference as to who is part of the Suport Clubs Executive.

In the future you should be able to access from the sub menus, minutes of the meetings, news letters, and the Support Club By Laws.

For now here is a list of the Executive Members:

President:  Tony Oxlade
Vice President:  Debbie Stirrat
Secretary:  Lee-Ann Kalen
Treasurer:  OPEN



Since 24 September 1941

Commanding Officer's Announcements

None at this time.

Uniform Code This Week

DATE:  10 December, 2009 - 18:00 - 21:30
See you there!