12 Edmonton Air Cadets - Cadet Summer Training Information
Recruit Information
Brass and Reed Pipe and Drum Band - 12 City of Edmonton Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
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12 Edmonton RCACS Alumni

Brass and Reed & Pipe and Drum Band

The music program at 12 RCACS provides instruction in theory, performance, sight-reading, instrument maintenance and band drill. 

Cadets are not required to have any experience on an instrument before they are accepted in the band.

The cadet music program is made up of 6 levels (Basic to Level 5). Basic and Levels 1 and 2 teach cadets to play in the cadet corps/squadron band for parades and local activities such as Remembrance Day. Levels 3, 4 and 5 further increase individual skills and develop the ability to teach junior cadets. 

Cadets practice at the unit on throughout the year on Tuesday evenings and on some Saturdays.

Level testing is a regionally directed activity and is completed at the end of the training year for cadets who are interested in obtaining their music level. Level testing is also done during music summer camps.

Cadets can also participate in other regionally activities including MusiCon and the Prairie Region Honour Band.

MusiCon is a one day clinic available to the band cadets where they are given instruction by professional musicians along with other cadets from northern Alberta.

Honour Band is a week long training available to senior bandsman that submit an audition tape to the Regional Cadet Music Advisor in Winnipeg. This is coordinated through the Band Officer at 12 RCACS. The band is comprised of cadets throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Ontario. This offers instruction on leading a cadet band, conducting, sectionals and finally a performance.

12 RCACS currently has available instruments for cadets to borrow if they are interested in joining the band and do not have one of their own.

This is the non-official website of 12 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron. This website in no way should be understood to officially represent DND or the CF.
